On Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 September, EDV joined the Workshop on Collective Intelligence for the Common Good held at The Open University’s London Campus. The workshop was chaired by EDV members Anna De Liddo and Simon Buckingham Shum, Doug Schuler (Evergreen State College & The Public Sphere Project), Fiorella De Cindio (University of Milan) and Mark Klein (MIT Center for Collective Intelligence).
The event was aimed at defining a roadmap and making the first steps towards establishing an Action Community Network on Collective Intelligence focused on common good issues. Attendees (see bottom of the page) from a wide range of disciplines were invited to contribute an issue paper and to make short oral presentations that were followed by intensive discussions (see Programme).
EDV presented an issue paper titled “Collective Intelligence Meets the Political Agenda: Enhancing Election Debates to Foster Viewers’ Engagement” discussing the aims and challenges of the project in the contexts of Collective Intelligence and the common good. Below are the slides of the talk.